Invasive species can cause harm to other plants and insects and once they're in a habitat they can be difficult to remove.
A northern Michigan group is taking measures to prevent the spread in the first place.
The Grand Traverse Conservation District has been awarded a two-year 400 thousand dollar grant to continue combating invasive species.
Robin Christensen is the invasive species program coordinator for the conservation district.
She said there are several plants, the group will be working toward removing including garlic mustard, which has recently entered Grand Traverse county.
"And also with this grant we'll be working with private property owners who are willing to treat some of those really high priority invasive species that aren't here yet and if we can catch the populations while they're really low it will save the community the big treatment costs in the future."
Christensen said the district will also work on ways to prevent the spread and live with invasive species that are already dominate in the area.
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